Awaken the woman within

Devoted to intentional connection, femininity, and living in clarity as a woman.

Do you...

feel life could be more refined and simple?

crave silent spaces of listening and reflection?

struggle with patterns of fear and uncertainty?

find yourself in spirals of shame?

seek guidance for your path, your purpose, and your fulfillment?

You are not alone.

The first step is believing that nudge within yourself. Together, we can walk this path to awaken the woman within


1: 1 Coaching

Ready to step into your next evolution as a mom, woman, business owner, or relationship? I’m here to guide you in the transition and support you in listening and living from the inside out. 1:1 work is a customized journey of healing, discovering oneself, and creating the woman you aspire to be. No more waiting for her to show up, let’s create her together.


Breath + Body Work

Somatic practices help you embody what you feel or what’s trapped within, by using movement and sound to release the healing.

Intuitive movement, touch, and sound therapy liberate the beliefs blocking you from simple and authentic living.

If you would like to discover what somatic practices could be designed for your healing, please contact me for a clarity call.

Gatherings + Retreats

I am passionate about the healing we do in community. We can only heal so much alone. When we are a tribe, supporting, and loving each other, the sky is the limit. I curate safe spaces through gatherings and retreats so that we can be empowered to heal and live free.

  • Client Love

    After working with Kiley, I have become a more open, secure woman who for the first time am sticking up for myself and becoming the person I always wanted to be!

  • Client Love

    Do you ever wonder why you do the things you do over and over again, and you aren’t sure how to change it?  I did!  I never felt worthy of success or happiness.  Kiley changed all that for me.  She gave me a safe and secure environment to open up and discover patterns I wasn’t aware of.  Most importantly she gave me the tools I needed to forgive myself and move forward.

  • Client Love

    Being coached by Kiley is a spiritual experience. She will call your biggest dream for your life to the surface while inviting deep love and compassion into the process. Creating a potent life transformation becomes natural with her as your coach.

    I came into a session with her feeling scattered, and I left feeling clear, deeply nourished, and creating action from a connected presence within myself.

  • Client Love

    Kiley’s work changed my life. I believe that anyone who is struggling with any sense of self in any way shape or form would benefit intensely after putting in the work with Kiley. She has provided me the tools to work through all of my battles and taught me to have patience and forgiveness for myself along the way. I would be nowhere close to where I wanted to be without


The woman is at the heart of the home. Let us pray that we women realize the reason for our existence: to love and be loved and through this love become instruments of peace in the world.

Mother Teresa

Ready to awaken the woman within?